CSPPS works to amplify the voice of civil society - through our members and through the CSPPS country teams - by empowering and resourcing civil society to strengthen its capacity to identify, participate, and contribute as a full-fledged actor in strategic policy formulation and implementation. Established country teams organise themselves and develop a peacebuilding and statebuilding strategy to implement at the local, national and/or regional level. They set up communication channels to raise awareness and sensitize country team members, agree on a scope of action, foster partnership cohesion, and identify entry points and opportunities to participate in national conflict prevention, peacebuilding and peace-sustaining initiatives.
Once focal point organisations have been designated and/or country teams have been established and a national strategy has been adopted, CSPPS strives to build up the capacities of local civil society members based in FCAS. The aim behind strengthening the capacities of local and national CSOs is to improve their effectiveness in participating in decision-making circles and public processes, as well as in implementing local and national policies related to conflict prevention, peacebuilding and statebuidling.
This can be achieved in a number of ways. For instance, by providing access to experts and trainers that have the skills needed by an organisation or a country team to meet its goals, by maximising and disseminating knowledge sharing, by identifying and initiating peer learning trajectories, and by supporting resource acquisition and mobilisation. Capacity-building activities can be carried out by an external source (expert, consultant, etc.) or a Northern member to support a national country team, by a country team member towards the rest of its members, or by a country team member who wishes to reach out to other local CSOs outside of the CSPPS team.
CSPPS tackles the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through the prism of SDG16. SDG16 – or Goal 16 – refers to peace, justice and strong institutions. However, Goal 16 is closely interrelated with a number of other Goals, including for instance Goal 5 (gender equality), Goal 10 (reduced inequalities), and Goal 13 (climate action). The interdependence between these goals and the need to address them together is therefore captured under the overarching term “SDG16+”. The New Deal principles (PSGs, FOCUS and TRUST) guide the actions of CSPPS members on SDG16+.