How the Platform Works
At its core, our network hosts coalitions of CSOs within New Deal countries, coordinated at country level by a Focal Point (FP) organization. As part of CSPPS, FP organizations provide analysis, conduct advocacy work, coordinate activities (capacity building, awareness raising and media outreach) in their home countries, and help civil society actors participate in meetings convened by governmental and donor stakeholders.
The Core Group (CG) is the main forum within the CSPPS where engagement and leadership in peacebuilding processes are discussed and decided. The CG is made up of country focal points, deputies and international experts.
At the top of our governance structure lies the elected Executive Committee (EC), which, among other responsibilities, provides decision-making advice on the platform’s issues and priorities, and reviews the use of the CSPPS budget.
The Secretariat facilitates the functioning of the Core Group and the Executive Committee and the participation of civil society participation in IDPS events, and generates and disseminates information about our members’ activities.
Together the Core Group, the Executive Committee and the Secretariat work to ensure that the New Deal implementation includes civil society members and representatives as actors and agents, rather than recipients or evaluators, and that societies are broadly represented in nationally-owned processes.
The Platform coordinates and supports civil society participation in the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (IDPS). The IDPS is an inclusive partnership that facilitates joint learning, action and mutual accountability for support to inclusive and effective peacebuilding between donors (OECD-DAC-INCAF), governments from fragile and conflict-affected countries (g7+), and civil society. This inclusive tri-partite partnership brokered the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States. The New Deal (ND) aimed to end piecemeal solutions by promoting a comprehensive framework for coherent action to help countries transition out of fragility and conflict.