Platform for Dialogue and Peace (P4DP) is a Liberian Peacebuilding NGO involved in research and participatory action activities aimed at strengthening the capacities of state and non-state actors to prevent, manage and transform conflict through collaborative action. Established out of United Nations and Interpeace collaboration in 2006, P4DP became an autonomous Liberian non-governmental organization, since 2012. As an organization committed to making Liberia become a society based on Good Governance and broader civic participation, P4DP applies Participatory Action Research (PAR) methodology in all its works. Through this approach, P4DP endeavors to see a Liberian society that is characterized by equality, social cohesion and respect for all.
P4DP has expertise in the following areas: Social Research, Natural Resource Management, Conflict prevention and Early warning, Human Rights and Rule of Laws, Human Security, Women, Peace, Development and Security, Peacebuilding and National Reconciliation, Youth vulnerability, Children and Post conflict Development, Mediation Dialogue and Peace Education, Program Evaluation and Assessment Gender, Health, Migration and Social services.

"As a Platform CSPPS brings together a variety of civil society actors involved in peacebuilding and conflict prevention both at local, national and international levels. Through ongoing constructive engagement and partnership with duty bearers and other key stakeholder we aim to safeguard meaningful engagement and inclusion of civil society."
Country Team
National Focal Point
Platform for Dialogue and Peace (P4DP) - James S. Shilue