
Swisspeace is a practice-oriented peace research institute. Its mission is to contribute to the improvement of conflict prevention and conflict transformation. Swisspeace analyses the causes of violent conflicts and develop strategies for their peaceful transformation. They produce innovative research, shape discourses on international peace policy, develop and apply new peacebuilding tools and methodologies, support and advise other peace actors, and provide and facilitate spaces for analysis, discussion, critical reflection and learning.

Map of Switzerland

"As a Platform CSPPS brings together a variety of civil society actors involved in peacebuilding and conflict prevention both at local, national and international levels. Through ongoing constructive engagement and partnership with duty bearers and other key stakeholder we aim to safeguard meaningful engagement and inclusion of civil society."

Peter van Sluijs
CSPPS Coordinator

Country Team

National Focal Point
Swisspeace - Anna Leissing